Reflection on Amal Totkay

Abdus Sami
2 min readApr 9, 2021


Amal Totkay are basically 5 lessons of life which will help you to develop growth mindset and to become successful. The word Totkay basically refers to things like remedies, tips, tricks or hacks which helps you solve some problem.

Below are the 5 Amal Totkay to develop a Growth Mindset.

1-Self talk

2-Get out of your comfort zone

3-Create new habits

4-Ask people for feedback to improve yourself

5-Fake it till you make it

All the 5 tips or totkay are really important to become a successful person and to develop a growth mindset. These tips really motivate you and help you to keep working hard until you have achieved your goals.

My favorite tip among 5 was to get out of your comfort zone. because most of the students or job workers waste a lot of their time by just scrolling through social media and lying in their bed. But here in Amal Academy they constantly push us to our limits and they help us make our most of the time productive.

If I talk about the take away from these tips, I believe that every point has its own importance and we should keep every point in our mind in order to convert our fixed mindset to a growth mindset.

I have started implementing the first point in my daily life. Because I have a load of work and task to manage daily with my studies so I keep saying to my self that I can do it, or I will do it, and ultimately it has its effect and it help me to complete my tasks.

To develop a growth mindset I can start asking for help from different people in the form of feedbacks. By understanding different perspective of different people and by value their feedbacks we can change our mind thinking and it will greatly help us to develop growth mindset.

