“Positive Reflection” :)

Abdus Sami
4 min readJun 4, 2021


“It’s not about making the right choice.
It’s about making a choice and making it right.”
J.R. Rim,

Six months ago I came to know about the Amal Career fellowship from one of my friends, I researched the program found it interesting and applied for it. After filling up a long-form I got selected for the interview. On the other hand, I also registered for a six-month CAD/CAM course and got selected there as well. I was confused a bit that I might not be able to give my proper attention and time to the fellowship so I decided to quit the interview for the reason that I will do it with the next batch.

So as soon as I got to know that application forms for the AMAL fellowship are open once again I filled the form, cracked the interview, and after the orientation, I got my final selection message. I was so excited but once again I was a bit confused and thinking that how would I be able to manage my University studies, my semester project, and my Internship by giving the proper time to fellowship as per the prior commitment.

After procrastinating two to three days with these thoughts the First session of fellowship started we were properly introduced to our PM and PA. It was a surprising session for me because that was not just like our ordinary boring session of university class but a great engaging and fun session.

These are some perfect examples of the growth mindset and positivity we learned at AMAL academy

After few weeks of taking online courses and weekly live session, I realized that Amal fellowship is completely for my growth in professional career and as well as in daily life and to create a positive and growth mindset. I have never seen such teachers in my life who literally care about you and provide you with some great constructive feedback.

We were also divided into subgroups initially in our Learning groups and then in our AMAL circles to perform the task efficiently with more understanding. It also helps us to know some people more deeply and with that, I was also able to grab some new good friends.
The journey was going amazing from online courses to live sessions to our learning groups or Amal circles our normal Chit Chat sessions with friends and our program associate. With all these great people and learning about the importance of soft skills, I came to know about words empathy and humility which are really important for us to have in life.

The Amal Fellowship got most interesting when we were introduced to the passenger series it really focused on our professional career, about how to crack the interview of the organization, how to make superhero resumes and superhero cover letters, and finally how to show gratitude which is the most important thing.

The best part of the Amal fellowship for me was our Megaproject I was also the circle leader of our group and our project was related to pets. The fellowship gives me the opportunity to become an entrepreneur and I laid down the foundation of my startup with my Amal circle. For the first time, I worked as a team in a professional way and learn leadership skills. The community service part of a mega project to feed the stray animals literally gives me a sense of satisfaction and internal happiness.

We created these food points for stray animals

The Megaproject was the most impactful activity for me because it gave me the opportunity to work as a team, to learn how to lead a team, to learn how to overcome the obstacles and challenges we may face in the future when we will be working in a corporate sector as a team or in groups and how to overcome them. Some courses and some soft skills we were taught in the previous courses seriously change my mindset and my thought process. The Amal Career Fellowship literally helped me to look at the world with a broader vision.

Today we entered into the last week of our fellowship and I don't know how it passed but I know that I was able to learn a lot of things from this fellowship which I am sure that our Universities or Colleges don't teach. One of the key things that I was able to achieve from this fellowship is time management, I didn't miss any of the project work throughout the course and learned about some great techniques for better time management. At last, I want to say that when starting the fellowship I was curious that I might not be able to complete this with all of my other activities, but now I think that I made that perfect decision and it was worth it.

“So. Tell me. What do you think? Which is better? To take action and perhaps make a fatal mistake — or to take no action and die slowly anyway?”
Ahdaf Soueif

