Increase productivity with Pomodoro technique

Abdus Sami
3 min readApr 17, 2021


In most of the cases when we are trying to concentrate on our work, projects or any task we might get distracted by our smartphones or social media and our productivity goes down. To avoid this scenario and to be more productive I came through a technique known as Pomodoro technique to help you keep concentrated and connected with your work rather than involving yourself in multiple tasks which ultimately kills your time.

What is Pomodoro technique?

The technique has been around since the early 1990s and was invented by Francesco Cirillo, to help him focus on his studies during university. The main concept behind the technique is to work in blocks of time, typically 25 minutes long , followed by a 5 minute break. When you complete four Pomodoros, it’s time for a longer break of 20 to 30 minutes. Then you can repeat the cycle.

One day we will be more creative, more productive and yet more relaxed.
-Francesco Cirillo

Each Pomodoro session should demand your full attention on one task, every break requires you to step away from your work to rest.

My experience

I decided to use this technique to complete my online course at AMAL academy for this week, so I set up a timer of 25 minutes on my phone and keep the phone upside down at some distance. I started my work for the first 25 minutes. I tried my best to concentrate only on my work and I was quite successful, then I took a short five minute break and came back to the task, started my 25 minutes timer once again and started working. I was going smoothly through the work answering all the reflection questions in the meantime my phone ring telling me that I have a message to read, so I picked up my phone opens up the WhatsApp and then I ended up using Instagram for 5 minutes until I realize that I should be doing my task right now so I immediately put my phone aside and again start working on my task. It was getting a bit difficult to just concentrate on 1 thing because I am habitual of using my phone parallel with my task which is not so productive I know and a bad habit of course. Then after a short break I started my third timer and then the fourth one and successfully completed the first cycle. I noted down all the distractions occurring during the first cycle and tried to avoid those from the next cycle. I completed my work which I was supposed to do in 3 cycles with least distractions in the last one.
I got distracted between my task few time as compared to when I am doing my task with a normally without this Pomodoro thing because as soon as I start using my phone I realize that I am in a timer and I have to complete this work in this specific time so I get back to my work quickly.

Does this technique work?

I was surprised by the result and I want to say that this technique really works because it helps you to be more productive in a way that it prevents you to divert your mind in other less important things and make you concentrate on only one task because a time limit is going through your mind further it also helps you to fight procrastination. As I achieved very nice results I will definitely continue this technique to complete my tasks, studies and work in future and try to be as much productive as I can. This technique requires your self will and your interest in specific tasks to work more efficiently and great results will be achieved but if you are not interested in a particular work but you have to do it this also helps you to complete the work as quickly as possible without distractions.

Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.
— Paul J. Meyer

