Getting Closer to our Mega Project

Abdus Sami
4 min readApr 9, 2021


For the last two months of Amal Fellowship program (which is a 3-month professional development program) we are assigned to choose and work on mega project that may be based on social cause or problem solving entrepreneurial idea.

So after brainstorming and spending days I came up with an entrepreneurial idea which basically solves a common problem in our community. The problem which I came through is related to pets and faced by pet owners.

Most of the pets in our house don't have their separate place to sleep which ultimately affect their health

Problem Statement:

Almost every pet owner in our country faces difficulty to find quality Clothing, food, toys, and doctors for their pets. So there should be a single platform(a website) where a pet owner can find all of these stuff easily and get delivered at their door steps. Also there is a lack of awareness among the pet owners about the health and nutrition necessary for animals, so that should also be fixed by adding a section related to this in in our website.

There are not much websites which covers this problem (Google Search)


As you just read the problem statement above which basically covers and emphasizes that there is not such platform where you can find all the necessities for your pets. So we will create a website which will have 5–6 sections initially then we will further work to improve that. First section includes the clothing items for your pets in different sizes, initially for cats and dogs then we will further add different items. The second section will include quality and healthy food for your pets. Third section will include the toys, ropes, chains, jewelry and sleeping areas for your lovely pets. And the fourth and most important section will have profiles of different doctors all across the city initially then we will further upgrade it, it will help a lot of people to find doctors for their pets easily and quickly. Finally we will add a Q/A section where different pet owners can connect and share their problems and solutions with different people easily. I will try my best with my team to create these sections in our website within two months. Further I also have some plans to add more sections regarding vaccines, insurance, and photography for your pets in future and also we can have a section where people can share details about their missing pets. It is very important to have such platform in our Country because there are a lot of pet lovers who faces these difficulties in their daily lives, this website will surely help a lot of people, also most of the pet owners find difficulty to search for a pet doctor near them, so that is also a major problem we will be solving. We will advertise our website using different social media advertisement campaigns also we can organize a pet show or pet competition to promote our product.

Your pets get lazy because you might make them over eat and they will get unhealthy

Research & it’s Impact:

I started my research by thinking this idea practically and found out that it is very necessary to have such platform. I searched google and social media to look that if there are such kind of websites or pages but surprisingly there were very few so that's a nice problem solving idea to stark working on. Then I talked to some people who own pets, shared my idea with them and received appreciation and motivation and great feedbacks. Initially I was thinking to start just a clothing brand for pets but after some research and discussions and feedback I realized that it would be more better if I add multiple sections in my website.

Discussion with some people who are facing this issue:

My cousins own pets for years now so I discussed my idea with them and have a feedback. The response was very amazing because they have faced a lot of difficulties in finding good cat food, their toys etc. They also faced great difficulties in finding the doctors for their pets near them. So I think if this kind of website is created by which we can solve majority of the problems faced by pet owners, it would be great.

Pets will look more amazing if they wear some nice clothes !

