Fixing stuff around yourself!

Abdus Sami
3 min readApr 2, 2021


Today I decided to look around my immediate surrounding and try to fix irregularities if there are any. Motivation behind this task was Amal Academy basically we were assigned another task to examine our immediate surroundings and try to fix/improve/clean/organize at least one thing.

“Cleanliness has a powerful influence on the health and preservation of the body”. W. Aspinwall

So the first thing almost every one of us see every day when we woke up is our bed room that's why I decided to clean up my room, make my bed and organize my wardrobe which was a great mess btw.

Wardrobe Before Organizing (Great Mess)
(Before) That's how unfortunately my bed looks like mostly when I leave my room

My wardrobe was not organized at all and it takes a lot of my time in deciding the outfit. So I thought it need to be fixed and it need some of my time and attention to get organized. And for the bed I can call it my bad habit that mostly I don't make my bed when I woke up also some times my parents get exasperated when they see my room specifically my bed. So this was the high time that I should clean and organize these stuff.

So I started with cupboard, pulled out all of my clothes, cleaned it from inside, hangered those clothes which I mostly wear, made a separate section for my shoes, and just folded the rest of clothes and placed them as well. Then I moved towards bed changed the bed sheet and pillow covers and placed them properly.

That's How it looks like Now :)
Seems more comfortable than before!

I felt satisfied after completing this task and felt a sense of responsibility. I might have done this if I got scolded by my parents but Amal Academy prevented that and gave me an opportunity to surprise them. But I think that I might not have done this the same way if my parents told me to do so because in that scenario I don't fix these stuff by heart I just take it by a normal job and do it. But in this case I take it as my responsibility and fix these with complete dedication. We can also relate this with the act of leadership without authority or everyday leadership acts because nobody my mom or dad ordered me to to these, I took the initiative and it will also motivate my siblings to keep things organized in the house as well.

“The best way to get something done is to begin”

