Creating SMART goals!

Abdus Sami
4 min readApr 2, 2021


It is very Important to have Goals in your life, in order to find the correct direction and to figure out your interests. Below are listed some great benefits one can achieve by writing their goals and follow them.

Goals keeps You Focused.
Goals help you to monitor your Progress.
Goals help you to defeat Procrastination.
Goals Help You Stay Motivated.
Goals Help You Determine What You Want In Life.

“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” Zig Ziglar

Definition/Abbreviation of SMART Goal

I figured out my professional and Personal goals last week but the ‘why’ behind my goals was not that specific and goals were very vast and not easy to achieve in a short time. So this week I used SMART Goal technique to break down my goals into short portions and will share one of my Smart goal which I want to achieve within 4–5 months. Again the motivation behind this task was Amal Academy.

Smart Goal 1:

I want to get a summer internship offer of 1Month by the end of this semester around (3–4months) in a company that provides great learning opportunities and where principles of hard work, Integrity and ethical values are rewarded. I am working to improve my engineering knowledge by studying hard and involved in a project for this semester as well and also working to improve my soft skills by attending sessions at AMAL Academy. I will search and work to improve my resume as well, and will send my CV to every opportunity I see through on my university portal and LinkedIn which are according to my field.

Specific- The goal is specific to do one internship.

Measurable- The goal is measurable as well because it states that I want to do an internship for one month.

Achievable- The goal seems achievable because most of these companies offer their internships in summer exactly the same time when I want to do it.

Realistic- The goal also seems realistic because I am working hard this semester to stand out and get involved in practical skill by doing a project this semester and working on my Soft skills as well to be competent with other applicants, further I am also sending my CV to every opportunity I see that lies in my field, so it is completely realistic.

Time Bound- The time that is also mentioned in the goal that is I want to do an internship after 3–4 months, and this is a good time period to get an offer.

I have this as my most specific goal right now because I am in the 6th semester of my Bachelors right now and it is very important to do an Internship in this year of my degree.

First Three Tasks To Achieve this Goal:

  1. Update My CV
  2. Fill different Internship forms.
  3. Improve English speaking and Interview skills.


I have done with my first task this week which is Updating my CV. It took almost 3–4 hours of my time but the results were so satisfying and I felt Happy and a bit more closer to my goal. I will complete rest of my tasks coming week for sure.

BEFORE …………………………………………………… AFTER

This experience taught me that your goals really motivates you to work harder. I spend hours this week in searching about CVs and how to improve it, also I am a student so It was difficult to draft a CV with no experience. But the ultimate goal was in my mind when I was doing all these efforts and I knew that my CV is the first Impression that will create on recruiter, so that's why I decided to first improve my CV then move towards my next steps.

Once again I want to Thanks AMAL Academy they pushes us to our limits and keep us motivated to improve our living and become successful.

